In 1996 I wrote that students would not like it if what they were learning were threatened with change.


In 2012, I wrote to 38 Engineering students in Trinity College, Cambridge, the most scientific college in Cambridge. This is what I wrote; . As I predicted, none of the students responded in any way. I made that prediction in 1996. ; “Those students who studied, learned, and passed exams in the IEE's [or a school or college’s] static knowledge base developed subject loyalty and also a vested interest in its maintenance and defence against new knowledge.”


These are the names of the students, at Trinity College, Cambridge. CB2 1TQ .

Probably started at Trinity College in;


Mr Timothy Newman

Ms Amanda Talhart

Mr Immanuel Kemp



Mr Alec Gibson

Mr George Gordon

Miss Anna Harrison

Mr David Harrison

Mr Karthik Kashinath

Miss Mina Spasic

Miss en Vu



Mr Tom Clewlow

Mr Tibet Fonteyne

Mr Damian Jamroz

Mr Fotis Logothetis

Mr Kris Parag

Miss Semthi Pathirana

Mr Dusan Perovic

Mr William Phillips

Mr Pulkit Shamshery

Mr Lewis Tan

Mr Ke Nan Wang

Mr Darren Xu

Mr Zen Yang

Miss Yilia Zhang

Mr Michael Zhou



Miss Daisy Gomersall

Mr Piotr Grudzien

Mr Lloyd Kershaw

Miss Blanka Kesek

Mr Benjamin Moss

Mr Prasannah Nanayakkara

Mr James Popper

Mr Non Protpagorn

Mr Andi Reci

Mr LukaRibar

Mr Marek Romanowicz

Mr Anas Syed

Mr Jieyuan Wu



Mr Victor Arcos

Ms Michela Gramola

Mr Ralph Gaworski

Ms Sherry Jiang

Ms Isabel Valina Garcia











-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 2:07 PM
Subject: Contacting Ivor from webform

This email was received from your DynaForm located at

Tom Clewlow


I recently stumbled upon your webpage, listing my name and the names of many
of my fellow students.
I would like to dispute your claim that the reason we did not respond was
because we had "subject loyalty" and wanted to defend against "new

I would argue the opposite. We are attending University precisely to acquire
"new knowledge". The reason we did not reply was because we were so busy
acquiring said new knowledge that we did not want to pursue potentially
fruitless endeavours with what very little free time we had.

Tom Clewlow


-----Original Message-----
From: Ivor Catt
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 1:33 PM
Subject: Fw: Contacting Ivor from webform

To Tom Clewlow,
Trinity College,

I responded too quickly below, but you did not send your email address
I now add specifics. But first I would ask you to show this letter to your
student engineer friends.

You lecturer's notes, of which you have a copy, only has a sine wave
travelling down a transmission line. However, since 1960 more and more
transmission lines transmit logic pulses, the simplest case being the TEM
step. As a result of your lecturer limiting his interest to the sine wave,
he and you will be unable to grasp the animation in "The Catt Question" .
98% of transmission lines today transmit digital - signals between logic
gates and signals in USB cables. Your lecturer, and now you, will be unable
to grasp the very simple animation in ,
and will only see a superimposed array of Fourier sine waves. Thus, he and
you will be unable to think through the problem of the negative charge on
the bottom conductor.

Yours sincerely,
Ivor Catt
-----Original Message-----
From: Ivor Catt
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: Contacting Ivor from webform
My work is new knowledge. ; ; . None
of the content of my books has entered any university course or text book.
Your email confirms my allegation.
The electromagnetic theory you are learning, and I have seen your lecturer's
notes, makes no concessions to the insights gained from the last fifty years
of high speed digital electronics. That is, it is old. It also ignores that
of my predecessor Oliver Heaviside, who dealt with digital signals in 1890.  . He is not referred to in your text
books.  Of course, that is old, suppressed knowledge, while mine is new,
suppressed knowledge.

I was hired in to Motorola Phoenix in the 1960s to research their new high
speed 1nsec digital logic. None of what I or others found has had any
influence on the em theory you are learning.
You are being willingly inducted into an antique club. "Those students who
studied, learned, and passed exams in the IEE's static knowledge base
developed subject loyalty and also a vested interest in its maintenance and
defence against new knowledge. Some had even passed the IEE's own exams.
They now paid their subscriptions to the IEE, not to encourage it to advance
knowledge, but so that it would defend the knowledge base which was now
their identity and their security."

When I was a student in your faculty, we had one lecture per week on
electricity. The triode was mentioned, but not the pentode. Part of the
reason for my later success in electromagnetic theory was that I had so
little of it while in Cambridge. I left with a fresh mind.

Ivor Catt




As expected, Tom Clewlow did not communicate further beyond his first email.



He ran away from the sine waves and became a structural engineer.  . No threat to classical electromagnetism from him then!