In preparation?

Closing the Loop

Before I was 16, 70 years ago, I heard about individuals who in 1800 partly owned a company who were financially destroyed when mismanagement of the company led to massive losses, which bankrupted them as individuals. I learnt that the introduction of the joint stock limited liability company solved this problem.

All those years ago, I worried about the down side. I have always thought that if one owns something, but can avoid responsibility for it, someone may well suffer. This is formalised when one insures one’s house against fire, but “coincidentally” one insures against liability if someone in one’s house falls and breaks a leg.

All figures I give are not accurate, but merely illustrative.

I first heard the names “Blackrock” and “Vanguard” a few days ago. I shall use the name “BlackRock” to mean a combination of the two, since they are inextricably linked. Blackrock has a heavy share ownership in Vanguard, and Vanguard has a heavy share ownership in Blackrock. Together, they handle $17,000,000,000 , or 17 trillion’s worth of “property”. They represent the final stage in the reduction ad absurdum of what we might call “capitalism”. Based on the USA, they own capitalism worldwide. This world has a GDP growth rate of 2%. They are moving in on communist China, which has a growth rate in GDP of 6%, and is the future.

The two companies BlackRock did not exist 20 years ago, and are growing fast. It seems obvious that their next step in BlackRock’s expansion is to “invest” in Communist China. To satisfy the likes of Ivor Catt, they have to invest in places where the fastest growth is, which today is China. That is why on the www we can see a photo of Bill Gates shaking hands with the Chinese dictator. The wealth created by capitalism in the past will flow to a totalitarian country, China, with its child and forced labour, which is more competent in exploiting growth than is capitalism in its latest stage, which has become a reductio ad absurdum; the separation of ownership from responsibility  having come home to roost..

I had £10,000, and wanted to put it somewhere. I gave it to some sort of “financial management” company, who used my money and other, similar money, to buy shares, and retain the bits of paper representing the shares. There was some commotion in the company, and it was “taken over” by another company, company A, who therefore hold some company shares on behalf of me and on behalf of others. They have started to send reports to me on which company’s shares they have bought, and they include Blackrock.

I will monitor the reports of Company A, and be interested in how much my “share” ownership increases in value, preferably a reasonable amount, say 2% per year at the present time, when interest rates are very low.

BlackRock own virtually everything, which includes the pharmaceutical companies, which are highly profitable. So, I am happy for them to own Pfizer and the rest. Pfizer and the rest are highly profitable by giving American children 72 vaccinations, destroying their natural immunity so that they have to have more and more vaccinations. In order to be able to travel, my Liba has accepted three Covid vaccinations, with dreadful side effects. Generally, perhaps highly profitable companies do damage to society.

It has taken until I reached the age of 86 to “close the loop”, and understand how I am profiting from an attack on Liba’s health.

The Covid fiasco teaches us that the whole of academia is a sham, with all academics knowing very little of their own speciality and even less of everything else. As Malcolm Davidson put it; they are all scared, they don’t understand, they don’t care. Nearly every one of them is scared of being exposed as having so little expertise. They are merely parrots, doing well in answering exam questions set by the very people who previously “taught” them in the same examiners’ other role as teachers and lecturers and text book writers. A long time ago I found out that examiners wrote text books.

Aged 86, with much experience, am I the first person to close the loop?

Ivor Catt 5.5.2022

“The development of limited liability facilitated the move to large-scale industrial enterprise, by removing the threat that an individual's total wealth would be confiscated if invested in an unsuccessful company. Large sums of personal financial capital became available, and the transferability of shares permitted a degree of business continuity not possible in other forms of enterprise.



Dear Amber,

I added this to

This reminded me of something else from my past.

I had a wife and a lot of kids and a house in Phoenix, and was enticed to sell up and move it all 2,000 miles to Connecticut. The division of the large company which took me on closed down six months later, when I had already bought a house in Westport, Conn. Sick of all the instability, I sold my newly bought house and temporarily took a job down the road in "Bunker-Ramo", who had the monopoly in the electronics relating to the stock market. I did not understand why the R&D lab there seemed so sleepy.

After month or so I found out why. The men in the lab I "worked" with received insider information on what was happening in various companies. For instance, an oil company was going to strike oil next week. It was better to not know how the information reached the lab.

Buy the stock, and if it proves true, sell after a week or two and make more than 10% profit. If the "news" was false, lose 2% in fees. With an initial outlay of $1,000, if three out of four pieces of information were correct, a lab worker would be a millionaire in a year; such is the way interest works when money increases by 10% each week or two for a year or two.

The details are not important. It might take longer, perhaps three years.

I concluded that the "pin stripes", who all wore bowler hats and carried their umbrellas into the centre of London each day, were doing such things and thinking it clever.

Common sense said I should rent a house and delay returning to England for a couple of years, then returning very rich. I hated the idea that that would be the "clever" thing to do, and soon we left to return to England, as previously intended, to my new job in England for 60% less pay. This was in 1968.

I concluded that in order to encourage people like me to do productive work, and not become a wealthy parasite, law had to be enacted to say that buying a stock and selling that same stock within six months should be heavily taxed. I suggest that would stabilise the stock market. I wonder whether such an idea has ever been broached.

Ivor Catt 5.5.2022