The smoking gun

I want Malcolm to direct Alex to cattq. Ivor



A Capacitor Discharging

Malcolm Davidson <>

Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 9:55 PM

To: Alex Yakovlev <>

Cc: Ivor Catt <>, Christopher Spargo <>, Forrest Bishop <>, Stephen Crothers <>, "" <>, Dave Walton <>

Hello Alex,


It is good to know that finally we are not alone and you clearly understand the limitations and pitfalls of classical theory. Your explanation is exactly right. I'm crafting a second dilemma question. That should be forthcoming later this week.


Best Regards,



From: Alex Yakovlev <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 4:49 PM
To: Malcolm Davidson
Cc: Ivor Catt; Christopher Spargo; Forrest Bishop; Stephen Crothers;; Dave Walton
Subject: Re: A Capacitor Discharging


Hi Malcolm


I agree the Davidson question is hard for classical theory because it is precisely the energy current that is responsible for any state changes in the system. 

Electrons have mass so accelerating the first of them to some such a velocity that will raise current to some non-zero value that would create magnetic field would certainly require some considerable time, say T. This time T would certainly have to be longer that the time of light to reach that point behind that electron, say time t. 

So magnetic field creation will have propagate well ahead of the massive first electron!

Hence the classic theory causality breaks here.




As Alex’s colleasgue in Newcastle Univedrsity Bruce Charlton,   , have to start again in the 20th century, after the disaster of the 19th. We hjave ti retrieve science from the people who came in after the money and prestige, and rather than not caring abot scientific advance, feared it, particularly major advance. The vicious behaviour of the “Guardnais of the Faith”, actually guardians of the money and reputation supply, only came in and got in our way as a career choice in preference to law or accountancy. They all adopted the instrumentalist philosophy to justify blocking scientific advance, giving them a structure to teach and get funding,stable,  laced with ridiculous, disconnected nonsense like the highly lucratiove gravity waves ($1 billion per year to the CERN scam.