Erik Margan: A Brief History - CHESE ?? In the defense of stochastic electrodynamics


Summary Science, especially physics, is usually perceived as a description of 'objective reality', therefore most recent physical theories seem to sound quite weird, almost 'surreal'! The history of physics of the XX century essentially covers the history of substance research, while exploring the 'empty' space (lat., vacuum) and its properties it happened somehow spot, more by accident than planned. Today, we are aware of the vacuum is not just a 'theater stage' where a physical 'performance' takes place, it forms it inseparable whole with the substance and has precisely defined physical properties. No understanding of these properties can no longer be understood comprehensively by the substance, no energy, not the Universe, not its creation and development. It's kind of a surprise we are experiencing the conclusion that atoms and even subatomic particles are mostly empty spaces, while the 'empty' space is actually full of energy! Two very different approaches to explaining the behavior of micro-level substances both originate from the works of Max Planck in 1900, led to two different 'schools' and two different theories, quantum electrodynamics (QED) and stochastic electrodynamics (SED), the first being dominant and having the status of 'standard' theory (despite some obvious deficiencies), while the other one always had I have a touch of 'exotics'. However, it is probably no coincidence that both of them, in their own way, led to almost identical findings. In this 'short history', we try to follow both paths, from the first assumptions about the physical properties of the vacuum, to the realization by today we call, depending on the context, with different names, such as 'energy of a polarizable.' vacuuma ',' zero point energy ',' cosmological constant ',' quintessence ', or' dark energy '. By the way, we will consider some of the interesting implications and issues that come with this they open up to knowledge. Erik Margan <>   Ljubljana, 2007-2008


Compton, but starting from quite another [57] assumptions and experimental results. He considered the electromagnetic interpretation of inertia for years 1965 Sakharov. The first successful model of standing wave [289], [290] which is easy explained the inertia, he proposed Catt around 1979, although he himself in detail [323] formalizing his theory did not deepen.

In 2002, a similar model was formalized in Koschmeider. V [324] He described his last article of 2008, not only the possibility of modeling inside structure of the basic particles, but also explained how they could explain the problem the hierarchies of their masses, and the source of weak and powerful force, taking into account only photons and neutrons, without any other hypothetical base particles. An enviable achievement, well let it turn out to be correct, or not!

[323] , 1935– , < > Ivor Catt Wireless World, July 1979