Our journey

15 August 2016

Stephen Crothers

6:20 PM (1 hour ago)




to me, Philip, erin.pizzey, Robert, Anne


Dear Mr. Catt (and interested parties),


Western society is in a state of social decay. It is for this fundamental reason that the family has disintegrated. Associated with this decay is the increased incidence of sexual perversions, clearly evident in the technologically advanced nations such as those of continental Europe, the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, etc. There is nothing new under the Sun when it comes to the Human Condition. The disintegration of the family is no exception. It happened to the Romans, the Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Greeks, and other ancient societies. It is happening today. I refer you all to an interesting book by Petronius (uncle of Caligula), The Satyricon. Therein you will find a frank confession that reflects the social and psycho-sexual state of Roman civilisation in the Author's lifetime, and the Author's own abnormal sexual proclivities. To reach such a state of social ruination takes time. Rome was nether built not razed in a day.


Men are hunters, women are not. This is a fact of Nature, not decided by Man or the gods. In socially decrepit societies men become subservient to women; afraid of their wives, their mothers, their girlfriends. Women on the other hand, there, try to be like men, pursue the things that men do, abandoning the things that women do; they try to become the hunters of the family. The real hunters and the real child-bearers become exasperated by what is happening around them; but they are by then the minority.  Physiology and anatomy alone do not make a man or woman. There is a psychological factor too. Feminist attempts to make boys play with dolls and girls with model trucks in a sand pit are representative of the psycho-sexual immaturity of feminists, be they women or men. Aristoteles even mentions such abnormality in his writings: anthropology was known to the Greeks. Homosexuality is, by and large, one of the multifarious perversions of childhood. The rise of homosexuality is not unilateral: it occurs with both sexes in unison, and is a certain sign of social decay and disintegration of the family. Various other sexual perversions also increase with the decline of the family. Laws and social practices change with the decline of the family, reflecting its condition, reinforcing its course to destruction. History attests that once social decay sets in there is no stopping it. Sooner or later it progresses to total collapse, no less than the death of an individual ends sentience. Then and only then will the Phoenix rise. Technology is powerless to change the course. So we can only watch and wait.


Steve Crothers
