the contrary however, the Nobel "disease" underscores the fact that human beings simply aren't "immune" to falling for crank ideas — accomplished scientists included.” ….  …. …. just like with milk — even the greatest minds can have a "best before"-date of sorts.” Catt: The image of the inventor. 
High-tech products for the high street - but how useful are they? Ivor Catt (above) sold Sir Clive his patents to wafer-scale technology. According to who you speak to in the semiconductor industry, Catt is either a crank or a visionary”  “There’s no way I could probably get a PhD today.” …. “But when this whole climate change thing came down the pike, all of these self-interested people – Monbiot had a book to sell. All the environmentalists are getting probably millions of dollars in foundation money to peddle this. And they’re still doing it even though the whole thing has collapsed. And it’s completely disqualifying the public by saying it all depends on the IPPC. It all depends on peer-reviewed journals. That’s what they were saying.

When you look at all this sordid stuff at East Anglia University about climate change. People begin asking: And this is the foundation of the whole game? It’s like the Left just went to sleep.” …. “Why was there no uproar? And here’s the reason. Because all the faculty have no scholarly credibility either. There’s no other explanation. They’re all playing these games.