TEM World.



A TEM World

Ivor Catt, 22 July 2009


As discussed elsewhere, I came face to face with the TEM Wave when pioneering the interconnection of high speed ( 1nsec ) logic in Motorola, Phoenix, in the 1960s. I became completely convinced that the "slab of energy current" (in Heaviside's terms) was part of physical reality.

I was involved in the development of "The Ballma Scratchpad Memory" for the NSA, National Security Agency, as part of their high speed computer being developed by IBM. It had 64 words, 8 bits per word. Access time and cycle time were to be 20 nsec.

We used small ceramic packages, a little smaller than today's standard 14 or 16 pin integrated circuits. They contained only two bits of memory. Thus, in order to accomodate the 64 words of 8 bits, i.e. 512 bits, the memory ended up some eight inches by six inches by two inches. Since (TEM) signals travelled only eight inches per nanosecond in the epoxy glass printed circuit boards, we clearly saw that when a logic gate switched, the reulting signal took significant time to travel across the intervening space to the next logic gate. This was the pure TEM Wave, or Transverse Electromagnetic Wave.

The most convincing proof of the physical existence of the TEM Wave was when I joined the output of an inverting logic gate to its input via a 20 nsec coaxial cable. Part of the cable was a “trombone”, a piece of cable of variable length. The length of the pulses increased and decreased as I pulled the trombone out and in, clearly proving that aTEM Wave was travelling down the coax unchanged at the speed of light for the dielectric.

As a true scientist, it then behoved me, in obeisance to Occam’s Razor, to construct as much as I could of the physical universe out of TEM Waves. That is, it became clear to me that the TEM Wave was the only Primitive, and everything that existed was made up of them.

No other viable Primitives seemed to exist. At about that time I had dismissed the concept of the particle as anti-relativistic. My memory project convinced me that there was no instantaneous action at a distance, so a particle with volume was out.

The first success of my team, Walton, Davidson and myself, was when considering The L-C Oscillator Circuit. We considered a “steady charged capacitor” attached to a one turn inductor via a switch. Using a hand calculator, we followed the procedure after closing the switch, where a TEM Wave would exit from the capacitor and enter the inductor. It was very exciting when the waveform, made up of a number of small steps, turned round and began to come down, indicating that we were indeed heading for a sine wave made up of a number of small steps. I immediately phone Walton, although Davidson was with me at the time. It was later published in ProcIEEE .

The next success came when the Dtiro of Wireless World, the late Tom Ivall, said that he welcomed controversial material, which of course was not strictly true. I think it was Walton who did the mathematics which went into the generation of an exponential out of a series of small steps. This was the groundbreaking paper "Displacement Current" which Forrest Bishop says is the most important paper in electromagnetism of the cnetory. It has been ignored.

I had been agonising over the two turn inductor for some time when Mike Gibson came to stay with me. He was an excellent programmer, and did the software. This was then also publoished in ProcIEEE . A very similar article on the single turn transformer, which contains identical mathematics, was submitted to the London IEE (now IET), who rejected it for publication. It still resides in my files.

All of these successes have ben ignored, and education continues as though they never happened.



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