Professor Walter H G Lewin



Professor Lewin, MIT "Professor Herbert Dingle, who wrote a book on relativity in the 1920s as well as a section on relativity for ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, and was the man chosen by the BBC to give the eulogy on Einstein when he died, developed doubts about the special theory of relativity around 1955. To his astonishment, he found that the scientific journals and institutions suddenly closed their pages and doors when he wanted to write or say something unorthodox; that is, heretical. A scientist might saym, 'something that was incorrect'. He describes his experience in his book, SCIENCE AT THE CROSSROADS (1)." "(Later, when studying censorship, Louis Essen FRS told me that Inst Phys also broke its contract with him to publish even after he had received the galleys! He stepped out of line re relativity.)"

Ivor Catt



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